We believe :
· In the Holy Bible, the inspired Word of God, Sovereign Authority in matter of Faith and Christian life
· In One God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit of all eternity
· In Jesus Christ, God manifested in the flesh, born of the Virgin Mary; in His humanity without sin, in His miracles, in His atoning and redeeming death, in His second coming in Glory and Power
· In the salvation of man, sinner and lost, in His justification not by work, but by Faith, thanks to the blood shed by Jesus Christ our Lord; in His regeneration by the Holy Spirit
· In sanctification which is an act of separation. One turns his back to all that is wicked to dedicate himself to God
· In the Holy Spirit who comes to dwell in us and gives us the power to serve Jesus Christ, to live a holy life and to witness. The baptism in the Holy Spirit, the spiritual gifts and the ministries are given to believers who claim them
· In the true Unity in the Holy Spirit of all born again believers making up together the Universal Church, the body of Christ
· In the resurrection of all: those who are lost will rise for judgment, those who are saved will rise for life
Baptism and Holy Communion are
ordinances of the Lord Jesus to be obeyed.
ordinances of the Lord Jesus to be obeyed.